Thursday, October 13, 2011

Late Night Spewage of the Mouth

My advice, to anyone thinking they're Superman or woman, your not. Dont bite off more then you can chew. I used to hate being stuck at home, but now, I'm cherishing every second I can spend with my family. I go to school full time, just to turn around and work a full time job as a barista. And now, apparently a shit eater, seeing as how our patrons have been treating us! So for anyone who wants to know how I manage all these, let me show you;

10 am- Wake up, spend time with Aedan
1120- Get ready for school
1140- Leave for school, drop Aedan off at sitter's on somedays
1220 pm- Arrive at school
140- Eat "breakfast"
310- Eat "lunch"
430- Leave school, head to work
445- Clock into work
6-7- Dinner
1030- Get home, spend time with Aedan
1100- Put Aedan to sleep, do homework, relax
2 am- Go to sleep

Yah, thats my day, to the "T", as some might put it. Its sad. I always find myself wanting my son to visit or wanting to drown myself in espresso (There's no "X" in ESPRESSO!) But I'm not complaining.. a lot. I have weekends off, so I always dedicate that time to my family.

Not that anyone cares.

The reason I wanted to post a blog tonight was to discuss my views on parenting. *Just because you can procreate doesn't mean you should* Today at my work, there was a young male sitting on the outskirts of our cafe. He was a good 25 ft from me, but I could tell he was as high as a kite. Now this is a natural occurence at Bookman's, we just attract bums and losers, but what made me really mad was that he had his son with him. His son looked no older then two and was throwing a F.I.T because his "daddy" decided to leave him buckled ino his Toy Story stroller. That child was strapped down against his will for well over two hours. That may no seem too bad (it does), but what REALLY ticked me off was that instead of taking his son to get a toy or a book, he wanted to read a magazine. Not just any magazine, but a Hustler. A MF'N HUSTLER! In front of his two year old son! For two hours! That's disgusting, and an exact example of someone who should not procreate, to the "T"!

Another example is would be the mom who doesn' want to give up hey're party lives to raise thier children. Now I have a few friends like this, to an extent, but I also know one specific girl that comes to mind. To keep this away from a bashing post, I wont include names, and I wont go into depth. I will actually list it as more of a general guideline as of what NOT to do;

Dont dump your child on your parents to go out.
Dont expect your parents to support your child.
Dont use your child against his father.
Dont treat your child badly.
Dont say hurtful things to your child.
Dont bring the men you sleep with around your child.
All in all, dont be THIS girl.

It amazes me how immature some mothers and fathers can be. Seriously. You knew what you were getting into, so step up and do it right! I have no respect for this "parents", and I sympathisize with thier children. I am prolife, but personally, I am 100% against abortion and 100% for stepping up and doing the right thing. Right thing isnt just raising your child. The right thing for you might be adoption. Adoption is a beautiful, sacred gift, and should always be considered when deciding how to go about an unplanned pregnancy. I personally, and morally, am against both. My mindset is "If you make the decision to have sex, you make the decision to have a baby." Simple. As. That.

Again, and yesterday as well, I appologize for any spelling, grammatical, etc errors you may find. Gimme a break, Im exhausted. Good night all.


  1. OMFG I LOVE YOU. Thank God someone else agrees with my random rants about what qualifications a parent needs. Too many people we both know had kids right out of high school and aren't stepping up to their responsibilities. It's depressing, but also good because it makes you realize YOU are an amazing mother! All your hard work will pay off someday, and Aedan will love and appreciate you a zillion times more for it.

  2. Thank you! Im glad someone else sees there is something wrong with KIDS these days having kids. If your not ready to have a kid you should WAIT to have sex. I'm so lame I always knew I would be a good mom and so I was never scared of becoming one. I was just raised to be a parent. Idk how girls and guys these days think sex has no consequences!! They are so naive. They should have waited and gotten over their party stages before having kids.
